This is an example of how to run a query similar to GROUP BY from the SQL world, but in MongoDB. MongoDB doesn't have GROUP BY, but it has a very similar group command.
In my example I want to return the number of songs per artist, therefore I'm grouping by artist name. {key: {artistName: true}, initial: {totalSongs: 0}, reduce: function(obj, prev) { prev.totalSongs++;} })
This example is from my MongoDB + Scala + Gradle + Morphia app. It turns out that Morphia does not help with that at the moment, so we have to run the query raw and then process the results.
class SongPerArtistMining @Inject() (private val persistenceProvider: MorphiaMongoDbPersistenceProvider) { private val query = ""+ "{key: {artistName: true},"+ "initial: {totalSongs: 0},"+ "reduce: function(obj, prev) { prev.totalSongs++;}"+ "})"; private val formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH) def mine(maxResults: Int): Option[List[(String, Int)]] = { val mongo = persistenceProvider.getMongo val result = mongo.getDB("audiolicious").eval(query) result match { case list: BasicDBList => return Some(processAndRetrieveResults(list, maxResults)) case _ => println("Error while obtaining stats. Result of unknown type [%s].".format(result)) return None; } }
Essentially, this does it:
val result = mongo.getDB("audiolicious").eval(query)
Processing results
And here's how to process results.
private def processAndRetrieveResults(list: BasicDBList, maxResults: Int): List[(String, Int)] = { return processResults(list).sortWith(compareSecondValueInteger).slice(0, maxResults) } def compareSecondValueInteger(e1: (String, Int), e2: (String, Int)) = e1._2 > e2._2 private def processResults(list: BasicDBList): List[(String, Int)] = { var results : List[(String, Int)] = List() for (i <- 0 until list.size()) { val item = list.get(i) item match { case dbObject: BasicDBObject => results ::= processResult(dbObject) case _ => println("Error while obtaining stats. Result item of unknown type [%s].".format(item.getClass())) } } return results } private def processResult(dbObject: BasicDBObject): (String, Int) = { val artistName = dbObject.get("artistName").toString() val totalSongs = parseDouble(dbObject.get("totalSongs").toString(), formatter).intValue() return (artistName, totalSongs) } // def parseDouble(s: String, nf: NumberFormat) = { val pp = new ParsePosition(0) val d = nf.parse(s, pp) if (pp.getErrorIndex == -1) d.doubleValue else 0 }
Using GROUP BY in MongoDB with Scala and Morphia provides a powerful way to aggregate data efficiently. The integration of Morphia, a Java-based ORM for MongoDB, allows seamless mapping of Scala objects to database collections. It simplifies aggregation queries, making it easy to perform complex group operations and analysis.
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